The Joshua trees and desert sage floated past like eerie ghosts in the night. My head lamp lit up a little circle of the trail. I started walking at 3:50 AM and I was night hiking. Since there is no reliable water between my campsite and Walker Pass campground, night hiking conserves water by hiking in the cool of the day.
The sunrise was pretty. It was also party cloudy so that would help as well.
By mid morning I saw where the trail was headed. It would go to the very top of the mountain with the rocks.
The elevation gain was over 1,700 feet. I got a picture of Origami just after he reached the top.
For much of the day the trail wound through forests of Pinion Pines. Often there were flowers along the trail.
By 1:30 the trail joined and followed a jeep road for over two miles. Unfortunately there were four-wheelers and motorcyclists using it too. I had to step off the road and wait until the dust settled before continuing.
The trail finally left the road and I was rewarded with more flowers!
The last five miles to Walker Pass campground were all downhill. My feet are complaining!
I was rewarded with trail magic at the campground! Rachel gave me a salad and two scrambled egg tacos. I gave her a donation and in return got a glass of wine!
I am camped tonight at PCT mile 651.4. The elevation here is 5,018 feet.
This is my campsite.
Walking in the middle of the night, crazy times are ahead, because of the summer heat I'm thinking... Walking over 30 miles a day is more than I DRIVE TO AND FROM DAILY TO WORK!
I love you crazy man. I hope I have some of your crazy in me somewhere!
Love your updates, keep 'em coming! (My co-workers are asking for updates on you, too! I want more "Dad-a-roo" pictures 😊
Love you,
Congrats on the next hundred miles, Dad! Wish you didn't have to fill up in the cattle trough, but I suppose that is better than no water at all. We've missed reading your updates for the last few days, so I'm happy to be able to catch-up with your journey!
Good to hear from you again after the gap. Thank goodness for the spot, so we all knew you were safe. The cabin dinner was fun; I think that was the first time just the boys and I were at the cabin together since maybe the 70s. We saw not a single mouse dropping! A couple of dead mice though. I hope I mailed those boxes in time! You are walking lots and lots of miles. Love you, <3
3:50AM..... Back on the old Boeing schedule I see, but minus the shirt & tie :-)
Over 600 miles traveled already, and you’re still taking time to smell some roses.
Quite the remarkable feat!
I’m really enjoying following your posts. Thanks for taking the time to put them
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