Saturday, June 20, 2015

Day 65 - Up to the Peter Grubb Hut

Friday June 19

Today's hiking consisted of a series of 1,200 foot ascents and descents. Willy and I were on the trail before 6. The trail climbed up and passed the west side of the Squaw Valley ski area, which was the site of the 1960 Winter Olympics. 

The trail then descended. We had an early morning view of the ridge we would be climbing. The trail eventually passed just 300 feet below Tinker Knob, the left-most flattish topped rock outcropping in the picture.

We passed by several lava rock formations like this one.

Around noon we arrived at the Sugar Bowl ski area. Willy was out of water, so he asked a man of there was somewhere to buy a drink. The guy drove us to the town of Soda Springs and returned us to the trail! Wow, more unexpected kindness! When we were dropped off, "Whiskers" and "Half-slow" were taking a break. Willy shared some of his chips with them.

After crossing highway 40, it was 3 miles until we reached interstate highway 80. The trail passed under the freeway through several tunnels.

By 4 PM, I was really tired. I seem to be the weak link with my low energy and reduced stamina. I suggested that we camp near the Peter Grubb hut. The hut is owned by the Sierra Club and can be used for shelter.

We camped nearby. Here is my campsite.

I even have a pink flamingo watching over me!

I am camped tonight at PCT mile 1162.9. The elevation here is 7,870 feet. 


valoriez said...

Yay, the letter carrier picked up your Dunsmuir boxes (no shoes)! So convenient, and actually cheaper. Drink more, eat more, sleep more! Get your mojo back, Bobby! Also, eat some *vegetables* for goodness sake. Man cannot live on potatoes alone. I love you, Valorie

PS: Did you see the photos on FB of your Father's Day present from me? <3

valoriez said...

I'm beginning to think you will be cutting wood with us on Labor Day. That might make it difficult to get a cabin up at Stehekin Ranch. We'll see how it goes!

It is really good to be getting timely blog posts again. Much worry off my mind, and I think lots of others too. I met my cousin Jan's daughter who hiked the PCT last year (?) and met her husband there, at the wedding. Hopefully they will find your blog and comment.

Jeni R said...

Really interesting tunnel system to keep the trail going uninterrupted.

Take Val's advice- drink, eat, sleep! We're all cheering for you and want you to stay strong to continue this amazing journey!!

Bob Zimmerman said...

Aren't loaded mashed potatoes considered as a type of vegetable?

valoriez said...

Potatoes = starch! If you eat the skin, it's amost a veggie! Aren't you craving, like, fresh crunchy peas in the pod, carrots, broccoli, crispy fresh peppers? Summer is heaven for fresh fruit and veg. And so good for ya.

I love you,
