Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 58 - Change in Landscape

Friday June 12

I was proud of myself. I hadn't got my shoes wet all day. The little creek was going to be easy to cross. Just step carefully on the log and scramble up the other side. I got to the other side, but during the scramble my water bottle fell into the pool below. It started to swirl around. Before I could grab it, the current sucked it downstream!  I jumped in and chased it, jabbing at it with my trekking pole. It finally slowed in a deeper pool and I grabbed it. When I Iooked up, Willy was speechless! At least I still had my water bottle!

Today was a good day. It started with eggs, sausage and pancakes at the Kennedy Meadows restaurant. Willy and I tried to find a ride from the folks at the resort, but no one was available. We hiked out to the main road. I held up a sign that said, "Sonora Pass" and we tried to hitch a ride. Finally a couple that were camping nearby turned onto the highway and gave us a ride.

At the Sonora Pass trailhead, there was a trail angel. This guy was the same one that I saw on the news many months ago!  We both got chocolate chip cookies with whipped cream and a cherry! We also got our pictures taken by his banner.

We got back on the trail at 8:30. We had a 1,200 foot climb to the top of the ridge at 10,860 feet. Of course there were beautiful views.

The trail then dropped down to follow the East Fork of the Carson River. On the north slopes of the ridge, the trail disappeared under the snow. There were tracks going everywhere. We checked our maps and headed down. We post-holed a few times and I fell through into a rushing creek under the snow. My leg jammed against a sharp rock. I now have a new gash just below my left knee!

We finally got below the snow line and spent the rest of the day in forests. I just love hiking through these forests. When I stopped and listened, all I could hear was the wind whispering through the boughs above. It was splendid!

The topography is changing really quickly. Where there used to be only jagged granite peaks, now there are lots of volcanic rock. We passed this huge volcanic outcropping.

My only complaint today, other than the new gash on my leg, was that my olive oil bottle leaked in my food container. I tried to wipe it up, but here in the woods options are limited. 

I am camped tonight at PCT mile 1036.9. The elevation here is 9,210 feet. 

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