Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 66 - Rolling Hills covered in Flowers

Saturday June 20

There were a lot of ups and downs today. Fortunately all were between 600 and 800 feet. The hiking was fast. We had twelve miles by ten o'clock. By the end of the day, we covered 26.3 miles!

It seems like we're in a different "bubble" of people now. As you hike along, you see many of the same people. Today we saw people we've never met before. 

The landscape is very similar to what we've seen the past couple of days - rolling hills with tall trees below and open ridges covered with fields of wooly mules ear, Indian paint brush, lupine and an occasional Mariposa lily.

This is a closeup of the flower that Willy says is a Mariposa lily. I just love them!

We are getting close to the exit to Sierra City, but we decided to stop early and get into town tomorrow morning. We could have pushed and arrived tonight, but it would have meant hiking a 35 mile day. We are not in that much of a hurry. Besides, Willy had his passport mailed to the post office, which won't be open until Monday. 

It was rather warm today, especially as we descend lower. I would guess it was in the low 80's. I was drinking a lot more water, so I needed to watch where the reliable streams were. 

I had a new entrée for dinner tonight - Biscuits and gravy!  Add Fritos and Italian salami and it's a winner! Besides, tonight I got to eat all of the extra food - yummy salami and Fritos. 

Now, if I can just keep all of the ants out of the tent, I will be a happy camper. The ants seem to be everywhere so I must be camped near their nest. 

I am camped tonight at PCT mile 1189.2. The elevation here is 6,389 feet.