Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day 115 - Indian Heaven Wilderness

Saturday August 8

I finally noticed what is different in the morning. There are no birds chirping at first light anymore. For that matter, there are hardly any birds at all!  Could it be the time of year?

I was on the trail at 5:40. My goal today was to hike 25-plus miles in order to have a short hike tomorrow to get to Trout Lake. 

The trail was fairly easy today. No big climbs. I quickly passed into the Indian Heaven Wilderness. I don't know any of the history of this area, but the area is pretty. There were a number of beautiful lakes, and a few like this one which is little more than a puddle.

At Blue Lake, I stopped to get water. Two fishermen were having a great time catching and releasing trout. They caught four just in the time I was filling my water bottle.

There were also some interesting rock formations which had numerous little caves. It reminded me of the Subway Cave area in California.

I also passed another milestone.

The weather today has been partly cloudy, but there is no rain in the forecast. I also noticed that there are the sounds of bees everywhere. Some are in the blueberry bushes alongside the trail, but the others seem to be above in the fir trees. They do become pests when I stop to camp. I always zip up my tent bug screen as soon as the tent is up, otherwise I end up trying to chase them out when I go to bed. 

I am camped tonight at PCT mile 2226.9. The elevation here is 3,954 feet. I hiked 26.1 miles today. 

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