I had the best sleep last night. I think it was because it was a warm night. Plus, there was the sound of the Whitewater River.
I got on the trail at 6 this morning.
My problem today was a blister that developed on the bottom of my foot just below my second toe. I popped it last night, but it still hurt all day. I decided to change socks more frequently and wash the dirty socks at stream crossings.
I knew the hike today was going to be tough since the trail climbs back up into the mountains. The trail followed Mission Creek and crossed it multiple times. This was good in that there was a ready supply of water. But, with a blister hurting and a trail that kept going higher and higher, my pace was really slow. In addition it was warm with little wind.
This is a view of the mountains I would be climbing.
By midday, Casey caught up with me and headed up the trail. I stopped for dinner at 3:30 and filled up with water since the next source is 16 miles away.
I hiked until 6 PM. A 12 hour hiking day covering about 22 miles. I climbed over 4,600 feet today.
Here is my campsite:
My view as the sun sets:
Before going to bed I popped the blister again. I'll check it tomorrow morning, but it feels better already.
I am camped at 7,200 feet at mile 242.2. It's going to be cold tonight!
Sorry it took so long to get these last two published. Sounds like everything besides the blister is great! I'll soon send you a couple of boxes. Take care of those feet!
Love ya,
Wow, you are making tracks again. <3
Hi Dad! Sounds like you are fully charged up again and on a steady diet of miles! Are you still hiking ten hours a day?
Sort of a small world out there... I was saying hi to Jason's Mom, Brunie, and she and Jim were out near Idyllwild this last week! It was during that storm that you all went back and stayed in that cabin for the second time! And she mentioned that she had been reading about your trip on Facebook. I'm not sure if your blog here is the same postings as Facebook (I told her to look for your blog link just incase it wasn't)...? But I thought it was so funny that you and my in laws were in the same few miles of this little planet of ours. Oh, Brunie says that she checks for updates nearly daily. So Dad, you have an extended fan base out there! And!! One last thing! When you get near Wrightwood, that's where Sandy (J's brother) and MJ (Sandy's wife) live. And they both commute to the city everyday. Crazy Californians! J/k. It's really pretty up there, that's where we spent Christmas day and night this past year. Okay, enough from me, I love you Pops! Stay well, hydrated, and happy!
Little A
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