Last night it was cold. Fortunately there was no wind. My water bottle didn't freeze, but I am sure it was near freezing.
The moonlight last night was amazing. I could have hiked by the light of the moon.
I was on the trail by 5:45. It was the perfect trail for high miles. By that I mean it was mostly flat or down hill.
This area has quite a number of Western Junipers. Their bark is very unusual.

At about 10 AM I passed the Predators in Action cages containing grizzly bears, lions, wolves, and other large predators. The company raises and trains the exotic animals to perform on film and television. I thought it was rather sad to see them caged like that.

Also, I realized that I had covered 11 miles already, and it might be possible to make it to Big Bear today, rather than tomorrow.
At one trail junction I saw a sign inviting hikers to a trail angel's house called "Mama and Papa Smirfs".

By noon I could see ahead to Big Bear, and knew it would be possible to get there today.

A short time later, I came down the trail and found "Rasputin"! He was the friend who invited me for beers in Idyllwild. I thought he was several days ahead, but had stayed in town a couple of days. I invited him to come to Big Bear, but he didn't need to resupply.
We made it to highway 18 by 3:30. I called "Mama Smirf", and she picked me up within ten minutes.
They offered me a shower, laundry, a great place to sleep in a huge outside tent, and are going to feed me dinner and breakfast.
It is so nice to be clean wearing clean clothes. This is what it looks like from where I am sleeping:

Tomorrow they offered to take me into town to do my resupply shopping.
I have now made it to mile 266. I hiked 24 miles today.