Sunday, April 27, 2014

More Spring Weather

Total Walking Miles this past week (Monday 4/21 - Friday 4/25):   60.1 miles
Total Training Miles Today (Saturday 4/26):     17.8 miles

Patti went to New Mexico to be with her brother this weekend, so it was just Debbie and I.

The morning was beautiful, and especially nice since we saw the herd of elk. They appear to be as curious about us and we are of them.
Elk in the field

We arrived at Lake Sawyer after walking the trials that follow the hill-top around Frog Lake. The lake was peaceful and quiet; the glassy surface appeared as a mirror.
Deb looks at the high water and peaceful lake.

After leaving the lake, we headed up the road which had all of the "No Trespassing" signs on it. We followed it through a locked gate (there was a convenient path around it) and found the trail leading back to the woods. Everything looks so green and fresh this morning.
The green carpet of plants are everywhere.

On our way back, Mt. Rainier looked so lovely.
Mount Rainier in the morning sunlight
Deb and Bridget on the road back to the car. It was a great walk today!
Total Training Miles on Sunday (4/27): Approx 15.6

It was raining when we arrived for our walk, but we expected that they would be just showers. We were right. Within ten minutes, the rain stopped. I stored my umbrella up the sleeve of my raincoat. It worked well.

We saw the herd of elk again.
Elk are curious
We then decided to hike some trails that we hadn't hiked in a while. We crossed a little pool with skunk cabbage in it.
Pool along the way. Skunk cabbage love it!

We ended up out at the little stores near Black Diamond. I carried out a bag of garbage collected along the trail and left it at a dumpster there.

We then headed back to the main trail and followed Ravensdale Creek back to the road. The forest is so green this time of year.
Everything is so GREEN this time of year!
 We hiked a little over two hours. I hurried home, because our dog, Lillie, is very sick (she has cancer). She was sleeping, but I noticed a few mistakes on the floor. I settled down with her to take a much-deserved nap.

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