Saturday, July 26, 2014

My first 26 miles on the PCT

I fell in love today.
I fell in love with the PCT.

 I awoke at first light and looked out over the lake.
The sky was blue and soon the sun kissed the mountain tops.
The morning was all blue sky & sunshine!

I was on the trail at 6 and my feet touched the PCT at 6:20.

PCT trail sign at the junction with the Bear Gap trail.

The views just kept getting better and better. Mount Rainier framed the skyline.
Bob's shadow and Mount Rainier towering over the trail.

As I headed north and gained elevation I could see for miles.
Mount Adams towered in the distance.

Mount Adams in the distance.

I walked through field after field of wild flowers.
I was in love.
A deer bounded from the trail and headed to the meadows.
I saw a deer off in the field. Several elk dashed through the forest.

By 2 PM I reached the Urich shelter.
Urich cabin. Lots of through hikers on the PCT stay here in the wet rainy September and October months.

I had walked over 18 miles just on the PCT. I soaked my feet and changed my socks.
Lunch was a protein bar and peanut butter.

The hut is near the jeep road (Naches trail).
Lots of people started showing up, so I decided to head back and camp at the junction with the Arches trail.

My camp after walking 26 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail.
In all, I walked about 26 miles today.
It's a new record for me.

The sun is still shining.
The trail has touched my soul.
I am in love, and it feels wonderful!